SAFER IN WATER is a teaching methodology whose mission is to prevent children from drowning.
SIW, as a teaching methodology, has as its primary goal Aquatic Education.
Aquatic education is “EDUCATE FOR THE WATER”, to be aware of how to use it, treat it, know how to be in it, and above all understand and know it.
To have this knowledge, it is necessary to be familiar with water! Just as to learn to walk, the child has to explore, practice, make mistakes, try again, and learn from all its experiences, with the aquatic environment it happens the same way.
It is essential to give children the opportunity to explore and learn about water at all stages of life. Just as in the previous example children go through the process of creeping, crawling, standing, balancing, and walking, in the aquatic environment they will go through similar stages that only through experience will they gain knowledge.
In addition to getting to know the environment, the child’s learning will be much broader, because they will also become aware of their abilities and limits, and will create healthy habits and respect for the aquatic environment, whether inside or outside of it. Put simply, a full aquatic education
Having our methodology as an accompaniment from the time the child is a baby will not only promote an excellent relationship with water, but will also teach parents how to accompany their child in this process of learning, enjoyment, and respect for water.
The methodology professionals have acquired a deep knowledge of child development, to be able to adapt the methodology to the different stages of the child’s development. Therefore, you will find, with our educators, someone who will give you the security and confidence that everything will be done at each child’s pace and without trauma.
Most of the time, babies when they come to swimming lessons, they don't know how to crawl. And it is not because they are not old enough, but because they have not been...
No início do ano letivo a turma está completa mas depois vai diminuindo a assiduidade dos...
If you want your child to be safe in and around water you should pay attention to the following aspects:
Do not leave your child alone in a swimming pool not even for a moment.
If you are using a buoy or armbands, remain at an arm’s length.
Get your child into swimming lessons, where they learn not only how to swim from one point to another, but learn water safety skills as well as rules.
Aquatic education is key in prevention not only for children, but also for parents.
Know what your child has learned in swimming lessons and follow the rules that have been instilled by teachers, parents and children should be on the same page in their actions.
Parents should learn to provide buoyancy to those in distress, assisting with their safety in mind; learn to remove from water and perform cardio-pulmonary resuscitation maneuvers.